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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Caleb University releases statement on students' riot on May 14th

Find a statement from the school's PRO, Olusola
Emiola, below
The protest by male students on campus on
Wednesday 14, May 2014 had nothing to
do with religion. A certain man, a non
student was apprehended by our security
personnel for trying to bring prohibited
items into the school. After much
interrogation, he mentioned the names of
the culprits involved. An official went to the
male hostel to get the students mentioned,
one of whom was praying in the hostel. The
students involved along with other students
faced with student disciplinary committee
cases took advantage of the interruption of
prayers to start the protest.
The university properties worth millions
were destroyed and this act was carried out
by the male students. The students have
been sent home on recess to resume back
2nd of June 2014.
Signed: Public Relations Executive, Olushola
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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